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NJBankers Branding Panel
NJ Bank Marketing Association

Lubetkin moderates panel at NJ Bankers Conference; will lead social media discussion at bankers’ marketing conference in June

Steve Lubetkin, managing partner of Lubetkin Global Communications, moderated a panel of bank executives discussing recent rebranding initiatives, during the NJBankers Directors and Managing Officers Conference March 5, 2013 in Woodbridge, NJ. More than 200 [Read more…]

Kevin Cummings, president and CEO, Investor Savings Bank
NJ Bank Marketing Association

Investor Savings Bank President/CEO Kevin Cummings discusses rebranding the bank, at Bank Marketing Association’s May 2011 Seminar

Kevin Cummings, president and CEO of Investor Savings Bank (NASDAQ:ISBC), headquartered in Short Hills, NJ, discussed the bank’s recent rebranding campaign during a presentation at the New Jersey Bank Marketing Asssociation’s May 2011 marketing seminar [Read more…]