Steve joins the panel on “For Immediate Release” podcast

Steve was one of the panelists on the January 23, 2017 For Immediate Release podcast, joining host Shel Holtz and other guests Steve Crescenzo and Jen McClure in a discussion of declining trust in government, media, corporations and other institutions. You can read the show notes here.

You can listen to the podcast in the player below.

The Host

Shel HoltzShel Holtz
FIR Podcast Network Co-Founder

Shel Holtz, ABC (Accredited Business Communicator), is principal of Holtz Communication + Technology. Shel brings to his assignments nearly 35 years of organizational communications experience in both corporate and consulting environments. He is experienced in employee communications, corporate public relations, crisis communications, media relations, financial communications, investor relations, marketing communications and compensation and benefits communications. In addition to integrating technology into communications strategies, his expertise includes strategic communications planning, change management, organizational culture, business initiatives and communications research. Shel is based in Concord, California, USA. He is co-founder of the FIR Podcast Network and co-host of The Hobson & Holtz Report, as well as FIR Book Reviews, FIR Interviews, FIR Speakers and Speeches, and FIR Live.

The Panel

Steve Crescenzo  started Crescenzo Communications 15 years ago after leaving his post as Editorial Director and VP of New Product Development at Ragan Communications. I should point out that Steve does a lot of great communication work, but his wife Cindy runs Crescenzo Communications. Both Steve and Cindy do presentations, internal communication audits, and internal communication consulting. Steve and Cindy both present frequently, together and solo, at a number of communication conferences at events, and Steve has been recognized as the top speaker at IABC’s world conference a number of times.

Jen McClure is CEO of JEM Consulting & Advisory Services. Prior to founding JEM, Jen was Vice President of Digital & Social Media and the head of the Digital Center of Excellence at Thomson Reuters. In 2005, Ms. McClure founded the Society for New Communications Research, a nonprofit research and education foundation and think tank and was President of the Board of Directors from 2005-2016, when the organization merged with The Conference Board. She now chairs the Advisory Board of the new organization.

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