PodcastSteve speaking at SoMeBizLife Conference June 1 in Doylestown

SoMeBizLife LogoSteve will be among two dozen leading commentators and practitioners of social media presenting at the Social: Media, Business & Life Conference June 1 at Delaware Valley College in Doylestown, PA.

Steve will be leading a breakout discussion of “What’s Next for Social Media Professionals?”

Marketing consultant Chuck Hall is the conference organizer. Check out the website and register now to take advantage of Early Bird pricing.


Great question, and something we should all ask ourselves more often! Why a social media related conference and why in Doylestown?

Social is changing everything — the media: how we receive information from news organizations, community groups, nonprofits, businesses, and even our family members.

Social is changing everything — business: how businesses market, conduct customer service, design products and services, hire employees, innovate, and make money.

Social is changing everything — our lives: how we live our lives is now irreversibly changed. We form deeper relationships with our family members and friends because we have platforms that enable nearly continual sharing throughout the day. We find products, services, food, exercise, vacations, social events, friends, spouses, professional service providers at our finger tips through social platforms. This genie is not going back in the bottle, and we need to figure out how to deal with it.

Why Doylestown — this is a great community with many smart, technologically and socially adept individuals. We don’t need to go to Philadelphia or New York or the West Coast to learn about social. It’s right here, right now. And You need to be part of it.

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