Podcast links moving to libsyn.com

When I started the www.lubetkin.net website, I thought 600 mb was a lot of webspace. That was before I began podcasting with high-quality 192kbps MP3 audio files to take advantage of the stereo quality I can achieve with my Olympus DS-2 digital audio recorder.

Fortunately, thanks to my friends Shel and Neville at For Immediate Release.biz, I learned about LibSyn, a podcast syndication service that offers cost-effective hosting for podcast files. So we’re moving the CompuSchmooze podcast archives (and future shows) off the main server.

So effective immediately, all five of our CompuSchmooze podcasts are now being stored on our new podcast server at http://lubetkin.libsyn.com. You can also download our other podcasts there, for Lubetkin’s Other Blog Podcast, RatingAgency.com, and our audio syndication feed for radio stations, Lubetkin Broadcasting.

RSS feeds for all of our podcasts/blogs remain at Feedburner.com. I will republish the blog with the revised links.

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