708 Crestbrook Avenue
Cherry Hill, N.J. 08003
(856) 751-5491 • (267) 295-1112 E-Fax
News Media May Contact:
Steven L. Lubetkin, Managing Partner
Lubetkin & Co. Communications
(856) 751-5491 or [email protected]
Timothy E. Doherty,
Vice President/Director of Communications , NJBankers
(609) 520-1221, ext. 542 or [email protected]
With Lubetkin Communications
CHERRY HILL, NJ – May 8, 2006 – NJBankers, a trade association representing the New Jersey banking industry, continuing its partnership with Cherry Hill-based Lubetkin Communications, is distributing a new audio broadcast of a recent seminar program to its members over the Internet, a delivery mechanism known as “podcasting.” NJBankers’ has been distributing podcasts since December 2005.
The newest NJBA podcast features a panel discussion on custom digital printing for the banking industry, with presentations by Diane M. Quinlisk, Senior Manager, Pull Marketing, Kodak Graphic Communications Group; Barbara Pellow, Chief Executive Officer, Pellow and Partners, a digital marketing strategy consultant, and Michael Moran, President, Market Connections, a digital printing and marketing firm.
Lubetkin Communications produces podcast recordings of NJBA seminars, and delivers the Internet podcast “feeds” to NJBankers so that association members can download the recordings for review on their computers or portable digital audio players. The podcasts are available at and at The programs are also available at no charge in the Apple iTunes Music Store ( The RSS feed for the podcasts is
“It’s clear from the success of our first two podcasts that our members want us to provide time-shifting technology like podcasting for their continuing education activities,” said Timothy E. Doherty, NJBankers vice president and director of communications. “Podcasting is a cost-effective and engaging way for our members to participate in these programs, even if they cannot attend in person.”
More than 250 listeners downloaded the first NJBankers podcast program, “Forecast 2006,” a December 1, 2005 panel discussion on the New Jersey state economy, with participants Thomas A. Bracken, President & CEO, Sun Bancorp, Inc.; Dr. Joseph J. Seneca, a professor at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning & Public Policy and Chairman of the New Jersey Council of Economic Advisors; and Janine J. Akey, Chief Examiner, NJ Department of Banking & Insurance.
The second program, a panel discussion of how banks can more effectively serve customers in the not-for-profit sector, has received nearly 100 downloads.
“NJBankers is taking a dramatic leap ahead of other financial trade associations in New Jersey by embracing podcasting technology to increase the reach of its excellent seminar programs,” said Steven L. Lubetkin, managing partner of Lubetkin Communications. “Businesses and trade organizations like NJBankers can provide valuable information to an even broader group of stakeholders through Internet-delivered audio broadcasts like this one.”
About Lubetkin Communications
Lubetkin Communications is a leading provider of business podcasting services in New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania. The firm launched its Internet broadcasting practice in April 2005, counseling clients about the effective use of podcasts and weblogs, or “blogs,” online journals that facilitate two-way communications with customers, employees, and others.
The firm just released a three-part podcast series for the South Jersey Pharmaceutical and Medical Technology Industry Alliance ( based on the trade group’s Spring Conference.
Earlier this year, Lubetkin Communications produced podcasts for ACE-INA Insurance and for Sun National Bank, Vineland, NJ, for the launch of its Sun Home Loans mortgage subsidiary.
In January 2006, the firm began producing podcasts for the Rutgers University School of Business Administration’s popular Quarterly Business Outlook Seminar. It also produces podcasts for the Public Relations Society of America, and its own podcasts focusing on public relations, computer technology, bond ratings, and interviews with book authors.
Lubetkin, a veteran of more than 25 years in corporate communications, is a frequent speaker on technologies like blogging and podcasting. He worked as a broadcast news anchor and hosted more than 1,000 investor relations conference calls during a ten-year stint on Wall Street. Lubetkin & Co. specializes in strategic communications advice for corporate clients, executives, and other organizations. Its website is
About NJ Bankers
NJBankers is an organization dedicated to serving the banking industry and its affiliates by representing banking-related interests at all levels of government and by providing information and educational training to promote sound banking practices and financial services to the communities and businesses of New Jersey. Its website is
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Editors, Note: Mr. Lubetkin is available to discuss how podcasting technology can help organizations communicate effectively with their audiences. NJBankers podcasts are available on request. Please call Steve Lubetkin at (856) 751-5491 or email [email protected].
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