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Communications, Public Relations & Technology Counsel
708 Crestbrook Avenue
Cherry Hill, N.J. 08003
(856) 751-5491 • (267) 295-1112 E-Fax
Steven L. Lubetkin, Managing Partner
(856) 751-5491
Two South Jersey Business Coaches Team Up
For Introductory Seminars on Public Speaking and Time Management
Merle Margolese of Margolese Presents and Steve Lubetkin of Lubetkin & Co. Communications Present: Start-Up Sessions January 11
CHERRY HILL, NJ – January 4, 2006 – Two seasoned South Jersey business consultants will offer introductory seminars on effective speaking and goal setting/time management for professionals on January 11. Optional afternoon sessions focus on news media interviews and techniques for growing your business.
Merle Margolese, owner of Merle Margolese Presents…, and Steve Lubetkin, managing partner of Lubetkin & Co. Communications, will offer the introductory sessions to raise executive awareness of the importance of public speaking skills and efficient use of a businessperson’s time.
Merle Margolese has this to say, “Poor organizational skills, customer service and the lack of self discipline and self motivation are the top reasons why small business’s and independent contractors fail to be successful.” We are there to guide these folks down the road of success through effective and realistic goal setting and time management techniques.”
“Surveys consistently report that the one thing people fear more than dying is being asked to speak in public,” said Lubetkin. “We work with clients to help them prepare effective public presentations that get them past the fear and make them popular presenters in business teams and larger conferences.”
Merle Margolese has more than 20 years experience guiding professionals and entrepreneurs to grow their business. Her philosophy and beliefs stem from the old proverb, “You build your team and your team will build your business”. Her website is at www.mmpresents.com.
Lubetkin is a veteran corporate communications executive who has written speeches for senior corporate executives and taught presentation skills to business managers at Bank of America, Fleet, Summit Bank, Standard & Poor’s, Unisys, and Conrail. His firm specializes in strategic communications advice for corporate clients, executives, and other organizations. Its website is www.lubetkin.net.
The sessions, being held at the Atrium, 3000 Atrium Way, Suite 200, Mt. Laurel, NJ. run from 9 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. to 11:45am. Optional afternoon sessions are “How to Meet the News Media” and “A-Count-Ability.” Registration for either the morning or afternoon sessions alone are $35 per person or $50 for both sessions. A continental breakfast is included.
For more information, contact Merle Margolese at (856) 939-4450 or Steve Lubetkin at (856) 751-5491.
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