New video is produced explaining the link between an insect and mathematics

Fred Roberts
Fred Roberts

LMC recently completed production of a short video explaining the connection between the cicada, the insect that appears on a 17-year growth cycle, and CCICADA, the Command, Control and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis at Rutgers University. LMC is working as a subcontractor to Biddle PR on the CCICADA project. LMC also designed and manages the CCICADA website at

Nina Fefferman
Nina Fefferman

The whimsical look at the math talents of the cicadas was assembled using footage of the cicadas near Menlo Park Mall in Edison, NJ with interview footage shot with Prof. Fred Roberts, head of the CCICADA program, and Prof. Nina Fefferman, a cicada enthusiast who is an associate professor in the Rutgers Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources, where she researches application of mathematical and computational models to biological systems.

You can watch the video in the player below.

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