MCBP #41: A conversation with Shel Israel, author of Lethal Generosity

Steve, Judy, and Shel Israel at the Tel Aviv Beer TweetUp in 2011.
Steve, Judy, and Shel Israel at the Tel Aviv Beer TweetUp in 2011.

In this episode of the Middle Chamber Books and Music Podcast, we chat with Shel Israel, author, journalist, and “recovering publicist,” whose new book, Lethal Generosity: Contextual Technology and the Competitive Edge, discusses what companies need to do to earn and keep the loyalty of their customers. It completes a trilogy of books that also includes Naked Conversations: How Blogs are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers and Age of Context: Mobile, Sensors, Data and the Future of Privacy. Together the three books tell the story of more than a decade of technology-induced changes in the modern workplace.

I first met Shel at the New Communications Forum in 2008, and we later reconnected — by accident — when we found ourselves in Tel Aviv at the same time in 2011.

You can read more about that encounter in my December 2011 “CompuSchmooze” column about the ability of social media to make connections even when people are travelling far from home.

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