Lubetkin appearing as panelist on IABC Philadelphia “Best Practices in Employee Communications” program November 14, Ft. Washington, PA

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Steve Lubetkin of Lubetkin Global Communications will join three other distinguished communications professionals in a discussion of best practices in employee communications, in a panel program sponsored by the Philadelphia Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators on Wednesday, November 14 in Ft. Washington PA. More information and registration for the event is at the IABC Philadelphia website.

Keeping employees informed, especially during a merger or major change within your organization, is essential to being a successful business communicator. IABC Philadelphia has assembled a panel of professionals who will share their expertise on best practices in employee communications.

Doug Eppler, communications manager with Tipton Communications, will discuss the strategies he used to communicate with employees of two specialty steel manufacturers that were merging.

Monica Morgan, principal of MoJoMo Communications, will outline her experience with developing a communications strategy for a global pharmaceutical company that implemented a new learning management system that employees in 90 countries would be using. Monica will discuss how she focused on getting employees to “buy in” to the new technology.

Lubetkin will talk about how to use video and audio podcasts for internal communications. An award-winning producer of business audio and video programs for the web, who is also a veteran corporate public relations practitioner and former radio news broadcaster, reviews and explains how to make audio and video podcasts (Internet-distributed audio and video programs) part of an internal communications plan.

The presentation will include:
• Why using audio and video are important
• Software and hardware that works well for podcasting
• The technical steps involved in creating a podcast

About our moderator:
Mike Martin, who heads Internal Communications for Main Line Health, will serve as the moderator of this panel discussion. Mike is a veteran of merger, management, and new technology communications for internal audiences at organizations including Quest Diagnostics, SmithKline Beecham, the Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News, and Sun Oil. He is a past president of IABC Philadelphia.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 5:30 PM  – 8:00 PM Eastern Time
WHERE Hilton Garden Inn 530 West Pennsylvania Ave, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania 19034

Registration  $15.00

Registration $35.00

Registration $45.00

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