LMC Releases Videos from 2015 Founder Factory Organized by Philly Startup Leaders

Apu Gupta, CEO of Curalate, during his talk at the 2015 Founder Factory Conference in Philadelphia.
Apu Gupta, CEO of Curalate, during his talk at the 2015 Founder Factory Conference in Philadelphia.

For the fifth straight year, LMC has produced videos from the hugely popular Founder Factory conference organized by Philly Startup Leaders, the tech entrepreneur networking group in Philadelphia. This year’s conference, held January 13 at the Hub at Cira Centre in Philadelphia. LMC used its multicamera production capabilities and proprietary slide presentation integration technology to produce a superior viewing experience.

You can watch the videos in the players below, or bookmark a YouTube PlayList.

Playlist Player (All videos)

Video 1: Darren Hall

Video 2: Gabriel Weinberg, DuckDuckGo

Video 3: Diane Ruth, VP, Guru, Executive Director, Business Development at Boomi

Video 4: Rudy Karsan, Founder & CEO, Kenexa

Video 5: Apu Gupta, Co-founder and CEO, Curalate

Video 6: Bob Moore, Co-Founder & CEO, RJMetrics

Video 7: Ned Moore, Co-Founder and CEO, Clutch

Video 8: Marketing Panel

Learn about the importance of marketing during early stage growth from these marketing experts: Amanda McGowan, SEER Interactive; Danielle Cohn, Comcast; Sue Spolan, LeadiD; Matthew Ray, ChatterBlast; and Nadia James, Griot Digital. Moderator is Michael Idinopolis, PeopleLinx.

Video 9: Tim Raybould, CEO of Ticketleap

Video 10: Wiley Cerilli, Founder & CEO, Single Platform, and Partner, First Round Capital

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  1. CompuSchmooze: Kenexa Founder Rudy Karsan Keynotes at Founder Factory | CompuSchmooze

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