LMC is producing a series of informational podcasts, “Plan for 100,” for AIG Life & Retirement, aimed at educating and empowering Americans to prepare for longer lives and retirements that could last four decades or more. The programs feature nationally known experts on retirement and financial planning, including Alan Castell; Tom Hegna; Ed Slott; and Dr. Michael Finke.
You can hear the podcasts at the AIG Plan for 100 site or in the players below.
[spp-player optin=”off” ctabuttons=”off” poweredby=”off” textabove=”Common Myths of Aging with Dr. Alan Castell” url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/245931/977157-common-myths-of-aging.mp3“]
[spp-player optin=”off” ctabuttons=”off” poweredby=”off” textabove=”Tax Planning for a Better Retirement Income Plan with Ed Slott, CPA” url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/245931/946793-tax-planning-for-a-better-retirement-income-plan.mp3“]
[spp-player optin=”off” ctabuttons=”off” poweredby=”off” textabove=”7 Steps for Retirement Security with Tom Hegna” url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/245931/973459-7-steps-for-retirement-security.mp3“]
[spp-player optin=”off” ctabuttons=”off” poweredby=”off” textabove=”Enhancing Income Security in Retirement with Dr. Michael Finke, Ph.D.” url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/245931/920943-enhancing-income-security-in-retirement.mp3″]
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