Leadership New Jersey produces videos from 2011 Forum on the Future of New Jersey

LNJ's Forum on the Future of New Jersey 2011 logoLeadership New Jersey, the public policy seminar program aimed at creating better leaders for the Garden State, has produced new videos from its 2011 Forum on the Future of New Jersey with Lubetkin Global Communications. This year’s Forum, held at Rutgers University’s Newark campus, focused on “Can the Garden State become a ‘label-blind’ society?” through several presentations and panel discussions.

Here are the videos from the 2011 Forum.

Keynote presentation by Patrick Murray, Director of the Polling Institute at Monmouth University

Panel discussion on diversity led by Martin Johnson of Isles, Inc.

Panel discussion led by Denise Gray-Felder

Conceived as an annual policy summit, the Forum on the Future of New Jersey has been built on the belief that the collective intellectual and social capital that is represented in the 1,250 men and women who have been part of the Leadership New Jersey (LNJ) program over the past quarter century is substantial.

Leadership New Jersey educates, empowers and engages talented leaders to create systemic change around New Jersey’s most challenging issues. Its graduates from the private, non-profit and public sectors are committed to make New Jersey a better place to live and work for all through informed, effective leadership. Recognizing that the state’s greatest resource is the quality of the people who lead it, LNJ is committed to expanding and improving the state’s leadership cohort.



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