New Jersey residents interested in discussions about how to define the role of the lieutenant governor can hear thought-provoking panel discussions about the new elected office, thanks to public policy training program Leadership New Jersey and Cherry Hill based Professional Podcasts LLC.
For the fourth year, Leadership New Jersey has worked with Professional Podcasts to produce audio podcasts based on its annual “Forum on the Future of New Jersey.” This year’s Forum, “Who will be New Jersey’s FIRST Lieutenant Governor? And what should the Lieutenant Governor do?” featured panel discussions of the role of a lieutenant governor in New Jersey’s government. This year’s conference was held at Monmouth University, West Long Branch, Monmouth County, on October 8, 2009.
Again this year, the podcast programs are available to the public for downloading and listening on computers or digital audio players at no charge. Listeners can download the programs at Leadership New Jersey’s podcast blog,, and at
Members of the panel on "What Lieutenant Governors Do in Other States," pose after their presentation. From left: Michael Willmann, CEO of Haddonfield-based WMSH Marketing Communications, Forum Chair; ; Charles Fogarty, former Lt. Governor of Rhode Island; panel moderator Ingrid Reed of the Eagleton Institute of Politics; Maryland Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown; Nebraska Lt. Gov. Rick Sheehy; Julie Hurst, executive director of the National Lieutenant Governors Association; and Katherine Kish, Forum Chair. More photos of the Forum are here.
Cherry Hill-based Professional Podcasts LLC produced the podcasts for the nonprofit organization that helps civic and business leaders to develop their knowledge of state issues while honing their skills to solve statewide problems. The firm has produced podcasts from Forum on the Future of New Jersey since 2006.
“We are very pleased to partner once again with Professional Podcasts to advance Leadership New Jersey’s objective of helping our leaders make sound public policy choices,” said Michael Willmann, CEO of WMSH Marketing Communications in Haddonfield, and co-chair of the Forum. Willmann is a Leadership New Jersey Class of 2001 Fellow. “Podcasting is especially effective for distributing LNJ’s unique insights, because many of our Fellows– and others active in civic life — are busy professionals who need actionable information and news from us in a portable format.”
“Podcasts dramatically extend the longevity of a single-day event like the Forum on the Future of New Jersey, because interested audiences who couldn’t attend can still benefit from the content,” said Steven L. Lubetkin, managing partner of Professional Podcasts and Lubetkin Communications. “Leadership New Jersey has a clear vision for how to use podcasting as a business application, allowing busy and time-constrained listeners to get the information they need — at a time when they want it.”
The podcasts are also available to listeners through an RSS feed, which is “subscription” technology that automatically alerts subscribers when new program content is made available, so that they receive future episodes in the series automatically. (There is no charge for “subscribing” to podcasts). Podcast listeners can subscribe to the RSS "feed" for the podcast programs at
The programs are also available at no charge to subscribers to the Apple iTunes Music store (, at this URL:
The 2008, 2007, and 2006 Leadership New Jersey podcast programs also remain available to listeners at these web addresses.
Podcasts are digital audio or video recordings distributed using Internet technology. Visitors to an organization’s website can download podcast programs for review on their desktop computers, or synchronize them with a portable digital media device. Software programs called “feed readers” or “podcatchers” allow users to “subscribe” to podcasts at no cost, and receive new programs in a podcast series automatically.
About Leadership New Jersey
Leadership New Jersey’s goal is to expand and improve the pool of the state’s civic leaders. The program, founded in 1986, honors men and women who combine a successful career with leadership in serving their communities. It challenges them to do more.
Each year, LNJ selects a new group of about 50 emerging leaders from more than 100 applicants. Fellows come from all parts of the state and from diverse backgrounds in business, government, non-profits, the arts, health care, the professions, and labor. Their politics and philosophies differ, but they share a commitment to making New Jersey a better place in which to live and work.
For the 2009 Forum on the Future of New Jersey, Leadership New Jersey received generous financial support from BD, Berkeley College, the Hall Institute of Public Policy – New Jersey, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, New Jersey Natural Gas, Atlantic City Electric/Pepco Holdings, the Fund for New Jersey, NRG Energy, Inc., Saint Barnabas Health Care System, the Women’s Political Caucus – NJ, Children’s Specialized Hospital Foundation, Princeton Public Affairs Group, Verizon, Steve Morgan ’05 and American Clean Energy, and the Chemistry Council of New Jersey. More information is available at
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