JFCS video podcast deals with parenting strategies for the Facebook generation

Dr. Richard SelznickSamost Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern New Jersey has produced a new video podcast featuring Dr. Richard Selznick, director of the Cooper Learning Center and author of The Shut-Down Learner: Helping Your Academically Discouraged Child, discussing “Parenting Styles in the Modern Era: Different Approaches for Dealing with the Facebook Generation.” Professional Podcasts recorded the seminar at the Katz JCC in Cherry Hill, NJ, on March 6, 2011. The video, which runs about 69 minutes, may be viewed in the player below.

Professional Podcasts is using proprietary video technologies to incorporate live speaker video with slide presentations to produce a seminar experience for the web viewer that maps closely to what the live presentation would have looked like. Slides appear on a 3-D screen while the presenter remains on screen discussing the slides and appearing to be referring to the slides during the program. The production involves the use of multiple cameras for audience interaction as well.


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  1. Cherry Hill learning specialist Richard Selznick offers video seminar on parenting the ‘Facebook generation’ « Cherry Hill

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