Holding an event without recording the event misses a critical online marketing opportunity

Event video at PRSA Delaware speech by US Sen. Chris Coons
Lubetkin Global Communications produces event video at PRSA Delaware speech by US Senator Chris Coons.
Event video at PRSA Delaware speech by US Sen. Chris Coons
Lubetkin Global Communications produces event video at PRSA Delaware speech by US Senator Chris Coons.

It continues to surprise me that companies and other organizations plan and execute complex public events like seminars, awards presentations, tribute dinners, and so on, but they always forget to budget for video and audio news coverage of the event.

They spend hours soliciting donors to put ads in tribute books that never result in a prospect calling that business.

They spend countless meetings by committees deciding on the color and theme of the invitations, but they never once give a thought to making the event a timeless memory.

If you don’t record it at the time it takes place, it only benefits your organization to the level of the people who attend it.

You’ve missed out on sharing the event with other people in your constituencies who might care about your organization more if you allowed them to particpate after the event is finished.

You can’t engage them about it by sending them another flyer.

If you really want to make a meaningful event stand out, think about incorporating a video news report or a full-blown event recording into your planning.

We can produce a video news “wrapper” report about the event that runs 5-7 minutes. We can produce an event video for your passionate supporters that will allow them to watch the entire proceeding. We can edit interviews and footage from your event into a video that you can use with sponsors and supporters to generate excitement for next year’s event. We can even help you sell DVDs of the event video through our online store.

Event video also gives you a new and exciting sponsorship opportunity for the companies that support your ad book. Instead of a static ad in the book that will get left on the dinner table when guests leave the event, you can offer your sponsors a perpetual advertisement in a video that will live long after the event is over.

People watch web videos. YouTube is the second-most popular search engine after its owner, Google.

Video news reports are a highly effective way to raise your company’s or organization’s visibility online. Let us help you do it right.


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