Our main studios are in Cherry Hill, near Philadelphia. We can record in-studio for both audio and video, or via Skype VoIP, Zoom, Zencastr, or standard phone patch.
How to Reach Us
Join Our Mailing List
We are happy to discuss your content creation needs.
Please take a moment to fill out the Contact Information below and we will add you to our mailing list. If you have specific questions about how we might assist you, please email steve@lmediacos.com.
Encrypted Communications
For secure email communications, we use PGP encryption. You can obtain our public key by clicking on the Key ID below.
9DF53171 (4096 bit)
708 Crestbrook Avenue
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 USA
Phone Numbers
Cherry Hill: +1 856 751 5491
Interview Line: +1 856 861 6146
EMAIL: steve@lmediacos.com
Skype: stevelubetkin
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