Temple Emanuel, a Cherry Hill (N.J.) Reform synagogue, honored its long-tenured rabbi, Jerome P. David, with a two-hour live stream broadcast produced by LMC. More than 1,000 people logged onto the Temple’s website to watch the video program, hosted by the synagogue’s interim executive director, Jessica Chasen, and her husband Dr. David Chasen, who is synagogue president.
The online show included tribute messages from Cherry Hill Mayor Susan Shin Angulo, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, the umbrella organization of liberal Judaism, Pastor Ted Winsley of The Family Church, Voorhees, N.J., and dozens of members of the synagogue paying tribute as Rabbi David moves to Rabbi Emeritus status after 46 years in the Temple Emanuel pulpit. It’s one of the longest tenures for a Reform rabbi in recent history.
You can watch a recording of the live broadcast in the player below.
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