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SBN Newsmakers-Compuschmooze TV: Gatsby Frimpong, creator of Gatsby.TV broadcast and streaming video search app

In this special episode of SBN Newsmakers and CompuSchmooze TV, SBN news director and
Jewish Community Voice of Southern New Jersey “CompuSchmooze” columnist Steve Lubetkin chats with Gatsby Frimpong, creator of Gatsby.TV, a free search app for Android and Apple iOS devices. [Read more…]

NJ Historical Society Executive Director Steven Tettamanti, left, introduces guest speaker Evelyn Hershey for the webinar on the Paterson Silk Strike and the role of the Botto family in labor organizing in New Jersey.
Conference and seminar videos

NJ Historical Society Livestreams Webinar on Labor Museum with LMC Production Support

The New Jersey Historical Society livestreamed its recent webinar, “The 1913 Silk Strike and the Botto Family’s Role,” presented by Evelyn M. Hershey, education director of the American Labor Museum and Botto House National Landmark, with broadcast production services provided by The Lubetkin Media Companies. [Read more…]