ACE Women’s Forum Mentoring Program Podcast #1: Resource Mentoring Program, with Audra Howarth

ACE Group is pleased to offer the ACE Women’s Forum Mentoring Program Podcast. In this program, Audra Howarth, vice president, global treasury and chair of the Resource Mentoring Committee, describes the Resource Mentoring Program.

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Staffed by a team of innovative underwriters, ACE Professional Risk is the operating unit within ACE USA, which distributes management liability, professional liability and surety products through retail brokers throughout the U.S. and Canada. For more information about ACE Professional Risk and its range of products and services, please visit: The above is only a summary; please see actual policies for terms and conditions.

ACE USA is the U.S.-based retail operating division of the ACE Group of Companies, headed by ACE Limited (NYSE: ACE), and is rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best Company and A+ (Strong) by Standard & Poor’s. ACE USA, through its underwriting companies, provides insurance products and services throughout the U.S. Additional information on ACE USA and its products and services can be found at The ACE Group of Companies provides insurance and reinsurance for a diverse group of clients around the world.


Produced by Professional Podcasts LLC, Cherry Hill, NJ.



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